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S+Academy is bringing together multidisciplinary subjects that combine architecture, urban planning, design, technology, environmental sustainability, economy, and social topics. Programs are designed in collaboration with renowned specialists as well as highly experienced S+A professionals covering the following areas:

Architecture, Urban Design, Environmental Sustainability, Digital Technologies and A.I., Engineering and Construction, Real Estate Investment, Legal and Fiscal Matters, Soft Skills and Arts and Culture.

11 March | 17h30

Licenssing Processes Mód. I

Speaker | Guests: Arq. Ricardo Dias
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

10 December | 17h00

2024 Open Day S+A | Architecture Students

Speaker | Guests: Rui Sousa - Chief Strategy Officer S+A, João Estopa, S+Academy, Dora Carvalhadas - Head of Communication and Marketing S+A, André Ribeiro - Head of Communication Design, Ana Marques - Senior Architect, Gabriel Teixeira – Architect, Grabriel Losada - Model Maker Architect, Duarte Gonçalves - Trainee Architect, Miguel Frias Coutinho - Trainee Architect, Catarina Niza - Trainee Architect
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

14 November | 16h00

2024 LAB@S+A Emília Egle | Renewable Energies

Speaker | Guests: Emília Egle - Arquiteta do Programa de Estágios S+A
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

09 October | 18h30

2024 Earthquakes: Vulnerability of the Rehabilitated Building Park

Speaker | Guests: José Manuel Fernandes (Publisher Observador), Cláudia Narciso Pinto (Geóloga – C.M. Lisbon; ReSist Program Coordinator); Bruno de Carvalho Matos (Civil Eng.)
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

04 April | 18h00

2024 Generative A.I. : A Threat or an Opportunity?

Speaker | Guests: Pedro Santa Clara, Adelaide Leitão, Miguel Mira Silva, Hugo Mendes
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

11 April | 18h00

2024 A.I. and Architecture: Present and Future

Speaker | Guests: Nuno D. Cortiços, Ricardo Pereira
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

18 April | 18h00

2024 A.I. and Copyright: Legislation and Regulation

Speaker | Guests: Tiago Bessa
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Training | Programs
Licenssing Processes Mód. I
11/03/2025 | 5:30 PM
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In this first module we will cover the following points: identification of the plot, location and its limits, real estate registration, topographic survey and street height.
We will analyze the PMOT framework, the soil classification defined by the PDM, the existence of current urbanization or detailed plans and the regulations to be followed.
The classification of the site as a DGPC protection zone and the existence of a subdivision with a permit for the site are other points addressed.
Verification of current urban planning parameters and the principles of preparing a license applicatio complete this module.

Type Training

Speaker | Guests: Arq. Ricardo Dias
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 11/03/2025 | 5:30 PM

2024 LAB@S+A Emília Egle | Renewable Energies
14/11/2024 | 4 PM
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A crescente procura e demanda da integração de energias renováveis no ambiente construído reivindica uma assimilação que respeite a componente estética da conceção arquitetónica. Procura-se investigar a integração das energias renováveis na arquitetura, e descobrir sistemas de produção de energia de fontes renováveis cujo impacto visual é minimizado. Em Novembro, venha explorar como forma, função e sustentabilidade passam de conceitos somados a justapostos.

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: Emília Egle - Arquiteta do Programa de Estágios S+A
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 14/11/2024 | 4 PM

LAB@S+A Duarte Gonçalves | An approach to composite materials
15/10/2024 | 4 PM
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Antes da industrialização, a maioria dos produtos era feita de materiais compostáveis, como madeira e cânhamo, ou fáceis de reciclar, como ferro e tijolo.
No contexto atual, os produtos modernos, projetados para atender a requisitos técnicos e estéticos, tornaram-se cada vez mais complexos, o que os torna também mais difíceis de reciclar.
No dia 15 de outubro, participe na discussão sobre a produção, características e usos dos materiais compósitos, com foco na Fibra de Vidro, para avaliarmos a possibilidade destes materiais compósitos se enquadrarem na economia circular.

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: Duarte Gonçalves - Architect of the S+A Internship Program
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 15/10/2024 | 4 PM

2024 Open Day S+A | Architecture Students
10/12/2024 | 5 PM
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Come and find out how a multinational team works that designs architecture for the whole world, in all areas of expertise in multiple sectors. In a multicultural environment, architects of various nationalities develop projects of large scale and complexity, where technical rigor goes hand in hand with creativity and innovation. On this day, you can also learn about the Internship Program, Merit Scholarships, LAB@S+A and S+Academy initiatives.

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: Rui Sousa - Chief Strategy Officer S+A, João Estopa, S+Academy, Dora Carvalhadas - Head of Communication and Marketing S+A, André Ribeiro - Head of Communication Design, Ana Marques - Senior Architect, Gabriel Teixeira – Architect, Grabriel Losada - Model Maker Architect, Duarte Gonçalves - Trainee Architect, Miguel Frias Coutinho - Trainee Architect, Catarina Niza - Trainee Architect
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 10/12/2024 | 5 PM

2024 Earthquakes: Vulnerability of the Rehabilitated Building Park
09/10/2024 | 6:30 PM
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The high seismic vulnerability of some urban centers, as well as the lack of control over changes introduced to buildings, raise several complex issues that require a multidisciplinary approach and the collaboration of different social actors.

→ How to assess the vulnerability of existing buildings and infrastructure?
→ How to guarantee the quality and control of constructions and the correct application of seismic standards?
→ What are the most appropriate public policies to reduce seismic vulnerability?

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: José Manuel Fernandes (Publisher Observador), Cláudia Narciso Pinto (Geóloga – C.M. Lisbon; ReSist Program Coordinator); Bruno de Carvalho Matos (Civil Eng.)
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 09/10/2024 | 6:30 PM

LAB@S+A Daniela Almeida | Sustainability and Parameterization of Facades
03/10/2024 | 4 PM
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Over the centuries, facades have evolved in form, function and artistic expression. Nowadays, with the help of parametric modeling, facades are moving towards more sustainable and technologically advanced designs in which environmental performance and energy efficiency are prioritized. One case is given as to how this façade parameterization solution is beneficial for the future of architecture.

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: Daniela Almeida - Architect of the S+A Internship Program
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 03/10/2024 | 4 PM

2024 “Conversational” Drawings | The importance of hand drawing raised as a communication tool
02/10/2024 | 6 PM
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Living, vibrant, rhythmic, conversational and communicating drawings. Drawing is a universal language associated with art but also with communication. Drawing is also an exercise in individual reflection, which when shared with others can open up paths for discussion and, in the case of architecture, for the transmission of an idea or thought that you want to transform into reality. These drawings speak to us, at first, and then to others, they generate interactions and provoke contagions of enthusiasm, which other forms of communication cannot achieve. On October 2nd we will talk about freehand drawing, its power and the passion it carries.

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: Nelson Paciência | Architect, Senior Partner | S+A
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 02/10/2024 | 6 PM

Execution Project
24/09/2024 | 6 PM
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The objective of the execution project is to ensure that the construction is carried out in accordance with the vision of the architect, respecting the technical, regulatory and security, in addition to facilitating communication between all professionals involved in the work.
In this session, with Architect Pedro Guedes, Director of Project at S+A, will present the main factors that guarantee the effectiveness and rigor of the execution project as a fundamental instrument for the success of design and execution of the work.

Type Training

Speaker | Guests: Pedro Guedes - Arquiteto, Diretor de Projecto
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 24/09/2024 | 6 PM

Body Buildings
18/09/2024 | 6 PM
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A project that crosses cinema, architecture and performance, by Henrique Pina.
"Body-Buildings" brings together dance, architecture and cinema. Six choreographies created for six architectural works in six locations in Portugal.
A film directed by Henrique Pina and produced by the Filmmaker, by Professor Doutor Arqt. João Miguel Couto Duarte and Professor Doctor Architect Maria João Soares, professors at the Faculty of Architecture and Arts at Universidade Lusíada and researchers at the Center for Research in Territory, Architecture and Design (CITAD).

Type Event

Speaker | Guests: João Miguel Duarte e Maria João Soares | Arquitetos, Professores e Investigadores
Sessions | Time: 1
Location | Participants: Lisbon
Language | Format: PT

Schedule 18/09/2024 | 6 PM

The potential of Biomaterials in Construction
11/07/2024 | 4 PM
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Ao construir com materiais de base biológica promovemos um ambiente mais sustentável, saudável e ecológico. A utilização de biomateriais é eficaz na redução do impacto ambiental. São apresentados três casos de estudo que defendem este método de construção como o futuro da arquitetura.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Ana Catarina Niza
Sessions | Time: 1 | 60 minutes
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium | Limited to existing seats
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 11/07/2024 | 4 PM

Heritage of Portuguese origin in the world
25/06/2024 | 6 PM
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The Portuguese presence in various parts of the world, especially in Africa, Asia and Brazil, left a significant legacy in architecture and design urban, contributing to diversity and richness of world architectural heritage. This heritage is testimony to the interaction complex between different cultures, histories, political contexts and continue to be the subject of study and appreciation to this day.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Patrícia Ferraz de Matos, Madalena Cunha Matos, João Oliveira e Costa
Sessions | Time: 1 | 90 minutes
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium | Limited to existing seats
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 25/06/2024 | 6 PM

LAB@S+A – 3D Printing in Architecture, in the context of Sustainability
20/06/2024 | 4 PM
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Miguel Frias Coutinho explains to us a little about his experience in Pennsylvania State University, where he spent 2 months learning about 3D printing. Two case studies will be presented.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Miguel Frias Coutinho
Sessions | Time: 1 | 90 minutes
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium | Limited to existing seats
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 20/06/2024 | 4 PM

Sustainable Cities
29/05/2024 | 6 PM
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• To what extent will climate change, nutrition, mobility difficulties, scarcity of resources and unequal economic impacts affect the city?
• How can and should citizens, local authorities and companies contribute to more sustainable cities?
• What contribution can new technologies have in the development of strategies and projects more responsible urban people?
• How can A.I. systems be an incentive to circular economy?
• How important is urban planning and use of energy resources?
• What legal framework will companies and institutions have to adopt with the new nature restoration law, within the scope of the European ecological pact?
• What is the potential for cooperation between cities?
• How important is the integration of the various disciplines underlying the sustainable growth of cities?
• How can biodiversity play a more present role in city life?

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Miguel Correia de Brito, Susana de Carvalho and Catarina Canelas
Sessions | Time: 1 | 90 minutes
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium | Limited to existing seats
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 29/05/2024 | 6 PM

ESG at S+A
23/05/2024 | 6 PM
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1. Introduction to the ESG Report and S+A Profile
2. Architecture and Projects
3. Sustainability Practices
4. Human Resources
5. Ethics and Business Culture
6. Partnerships and Social Responsibility

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Diogo Xavier de Brito
Sessions | Time: 1 | 90 minutes
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium | Limited to existing seats
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 23/05/2024 | 6 PM

Sustainable Buildings
14/05/2024 | 6 PM
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Sustainable practices play a fundamental role in the evaluation and promotion of sustainability in buildings.
The role of buildings in the global ESG landscape:

• The benefits of green buildings, the importance of sustainable practices in construction, framed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and challenges of European Taxonomy.

• Certification systems: LEED, BREEAM, WELL and Smartscore, among others.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Liliana Soares
Sessions | Time: 1 | 90 minutes
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium | Limited to existing seats
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 14/05/2024 | 6 PM

Licensing Processes
Soft Skills
02/05/2024 | 6 PM
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Approach to compliance with municipal land use plans and current legislation.

Type Soft Skills

Speaker | Guests: Ricardo Dias
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 02/05/2024 | 6 PM

2024 A.I. and Copyright: Legislation and Regulation
18/04/2024 | 6 PM
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Artificial Intelligence assists human intellectual creation and is capable of generating creative content autonomously.

However, the use of technologies in the creation of content raises complex issues related to copyrights matters and its way of protection.

A reflection on the urgency of legislating and regulating to guarantee, protect and reward artistic works.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Tiago Bessa
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 18/04/2024 | 6 PM

2024 A.I. and Architecture: Present and Future
11/04/2024 | 6 PM
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Artificial intelligence can play several roles in architecture, including data analysis, optimization, modeling, simulation and task automation.

A.I. presents itself as an ideal solution for repetitive tasks and objective responses that, in the past, were time-consuming and exhausting.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Nuno D. Cortiços, Ricardo Pereira
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 11/04/2024 | 6 PM

2024 Generative A.I. : A Threat or an Opportunity?
04/04/2024 | 6 PM
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In an effort to prepare the future, and following the digital transformation in the world of work, Saraiva + Associados intends to pay special attention to Generative Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), with the purpose of professional development, innovation, productivity and creativity.

On April 4th, we will have an enriching debate about what we can expect from Artificial Intelligence in 2024, but also in this new era.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Pedro Santa Clara, Adelaide Leitão, Miguel Mira Silva, Hugo Mendes
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 04/04/2024 | 6 PM

“How to Save and Invest you Money?” Financial Literacy II: Saving and Investing
Soft Skills
26/03/2024 | 6 PM
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Know the characteristics of the chosen applications and assess their risks in advance. Monitor the behavior of applications over time and compare it with alternatives available on the market; Avoid putting household savings at risk; Consider the diversification of financial investments.

Type Soft Skills

Speaker | Guests: Dulce Forte, DSolutions Consulting
Sessions | Time: 2 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 26/03/2024 | 6 PM

Simplex Urbanístico
14/03/2024 | 6 PM
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Urban licensing with the changes introduced by Simplex Urbanístico - impacts on public and private institutions.

Type Seminar

Speaker | Guests: Jorge Catarino e Ricardo Dias, S+A
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 14/03/2024 | 6 PM

“How can I improve my Communication Skills?”
Soft Skills
07/03/2024 | 6 PM
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In this workshop you will learn attention grabbing strategies, to create empathy and put into practice your presentation skills with impact and coherence.

Type Soft Skills

Speaker | Guests: Sofia Bernardo, SAB Comunicar
Sessions | Time: 1 | 06:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 07/03/2024 | 6 PM

“How to manage my Personal Finances” Financial Literacy I: Budget Management and Planning
Soft Skills
20/02/2024 | 6 PM
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Provide information and the acquisition of skills necessary for individuals in their families to manage their income sensibly. Helping individuals/families to have a better relationship with money.

Type Soft Skills

Speaker | Guests: Dulce Forte, DSolutions Consulting
Sessions | Time: 1 | 6:00 pm
Location | Participants: S+A Auditorium
Language | Format: PT | In Person

Schedule 20/02/2024 | 6 PM

How architecture can act for ourselves,
each other, our cities, and the environment

World Talks

Exploring and debating relevant topics, given by world leading architects who share their experience and insights, on how architecture and urban planning take part in the development of more sustainable cities and communities.

S+Academy brings together multidisciplinary content that merges architecture and urban design with technology, science, and humanities.
It is a meeting point for the disruptive thinking that fuels the culture of innovation at S+A.
Alejandro Aravena
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Born in Santiago de Chile, the Pritzker Prize winner architect is a leading advocate of sustainable development in contemporary architecture. Known for his socially conscious building projects that attempt to break down economic inequity in urban areas, his affordable housing projects remain revolutionary.
Considering the difficulties of access to housing that we are witnessing today, even in developed societies, this talk intends to be a reflection on the contribution that architecture can give to a critical and structural social issue

Daniel Libeskind
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Daniel Libeskind, the internationally acclaimed architect, was the special guest at S+Academy’s World Talks. Libeskind has designed the Jewish museums in Berlin, San Francisco and Copenhagen and the Manchester Imperial War Museum. In New York, he was responsible for the reconversion of Ground Zero. The talk debated the central role of museums as a foundation of culture, in the preservation of memory and how architecture comes along in the process. The audience was captivated by Daniel Libeskind’s profoundly humanist vision.


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S+A Offices around the world

Portugal, Lisbon | Headquarters
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Avenida Infante Santo, 69 a-c,
1350-177 Lisboa, Portugal

+351 213 939 340

Portugal, Funchal | Office
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Rua 31 de Janeiro, 12E, 6º Y,
9050-011 Funchal, Portugal

+351 291 215 090

Algeria, Oran | Office
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Rue Beni Hendel Nº03 (ex Vaucluse), Résidence Albert 1er,
Bureau Nº 34, 1er étage, Hai Oussama,
Oran 31000, Algérie

+213 412 48 139

Brazil, São Paulo | Office
São Paulo
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Rua Helena 275, 7º Andar CJ 73,
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo / SP
CEP 04552 050, Brasil

+55 11 3842 7279

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Oficina 406 Bogotá, Colombia

+ 57 (1) 745 79 68/9

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+65 987 279 82

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Avenue d'Ouchy 66,
1006 Lausanne, Suisse

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2/F, 8 Duong so 66, The Sun Thao Dien,
District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

+84 28 3620 2481

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CA 90292, United States of America

+1 310 439 3757

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