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Hospital Campus

This information describes and provides the reasoning behind, in a concise way, the structural concept and design of a set of buildings for health services. In general, the buildings are generic in accordance with their use: hospital, senior residence and accommodation for employees; these can be replicated in accordance with the target population. By definition, healthcare buildings have a high degree of requirements. This level of requirement was visible in all design areas, calling for an appealing, functional and versatile architecture. The specificity and uniqueness of the services provided, such as the surgery areas, required much equipment that has very specific needs and is, thus, extremely demanding.

  • Location: Multiple Locations, China
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Year: 2012
  • Area: 66.500 sqm
  • Client: CEEDI
  • Stage: Primary Study

Hospitals are usually infrastructures included in national civil protection plans. This means their structures must be designed with a considerably higher level of demand in relation to other buildings, given the possible occurrence of disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes. When such events occur, hospitals must ensure the functionality of their services. The entrances to the entire hospital complex were directly connected to each of the buildings in order to minimise the impact of the road network. Accesses were to be divided into four main groups: Main Entrance, Senior Care Entrance, Emergency Area and Loading Dock. Furthermore, a continuous route to supply the various access points was established, with the aim of improving and facilitating connection between them. In addition to the road network, the surrounding green spaces and position of the buildings were also deeply studied. They lie on a metric grid that provides and reinforces the relationship between all elements. This is, indeed, the pivotal point of the whole health unit, as the buildings are erected and expanded based on this grid.

To assure total versatility, the buildings featured a modular conception that guaranteed the necessary flexibility and allowed for easy adaptability to future needs.


Hospital Campus

This information describes and provides the reasoning behind, in a concise way, the structural concept and design of a set of buildings for health services. In general, the buildings are generic in accordance with their use: hospital, senior residence and accommodation for employees; these can be replicated in accordance with the target population. By definition, healthcare buildings have a high degree of requirements. This level of requirement was visible in all design areas, calling for an appealing, functional and versatile architecture. The specificity and uniqueness of the services provided, such as the surgery areas, required much equipment that has very specific needs and is, thus, extremely demanding.

  • Location: Multiple Locations, China
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Year: 2012
  • Area: 66.500 sqm
  • Client: CEEDI
  • Stage: Primary Study

Hospitals are usually infrastructures included in national civil protection plans. This means their structures must be designed with a considerably higher level of demand in relation to other buildings, given the possible occurrence of disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes. When such events occur, hospitals must ensure the functionality of their services. The entrances to the entire hospital complex were directly connected to each of the buildings in order to minimise the impact of the road network. Accesses were to be divided into four main groups: Main Entrance, Senior Care Entrance, Emergency Area and Loading Dock. Furthermore, a continuous route to supply the various access points was established, with the aim of improving and facilitating connection between them. In addition to the road network, the surrounding green spaces and position of the buildings were also deeply studied. They lie on a metric grid that provides and reinforces the relationship between all elements. This is, indeed, the pivotal point of the whole health unit, as the buildings are erected and expanded based on this grid.

To assure total versatility, the buildings featured a modular conception that guaranteed the necessary flexibility and allowed for easy adaptability to future needs.

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