Loteamento Estação Radionaval Comandante Nunes Ribeiro
The developed urban solution ensures hosting an affordable income program for the municipality, the creation of a new urban park and the transfer of land to reinforce the network of educational, sporting, social and cultural equipment for the population of the urban area of Algés and Linda-A-Velha. Currently, the intervention area is uncharacterized and in a state of abandonment, following the dismantling of the activity of the Naval Radio Station. It is planned to renovate two existing buildings for new uses – equipment for collective use, the remaining buildings will be demolished.
An urban park is proposed with a significant size of 117,296.00 sqm approximately 12Ha, constituting the backbone of this territory, from which the new urban design is developed, with the concern of creating a space with scale, which makes it possible to add structures that encourage leisure and public enjoyment, as well as the practice of sporting activities. The scale of the urban park promotes an urban area, which will enable the practice of various informal outdoor activities/sports. The remaining green areas are designed to landscape the proposed occupations/buildings, and must be equipped and qualified, in order to encourage leisure, stay, public enjoyment and informal sports, as well as the socialization of the resident community.