This website, (‘Site’), belongs to and is controlled by Saraivarq, SGPS, S.A. (Saraiva + Associados), with corporate tax identification number 514 646 020 with headquarters at Avenida Infante Santo, N.º 69, A-B-C 1350-177 Lisbon.

For the purposes of the Terms and Conditions (‘Terms and Conditions’) of this Site, the term ‘User’ refers to anybody who accesses it, while ‘our’ refers to Saraivarq, SGPS, S.A. (Saraiva + Associados). These Terms and Conditions enter into force after their publication and govern Users’ access and use of the Site.

Through the Site, Saraivarq, SGPS, S.A. (Saraiva + Associados) provides the User with access to services. These services include updates, developments, new tools and/or new web properties, which are subject to these Terms and Conditions.


By using our Site, the User agrees to accept these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept our Terms and Conditions, you must immediately stop using and/or accessing this Site. Saraiva + Associados reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time by simply placing the changes on the Site, it being the sole responsibility of the User to check and comply with them when using the Site. The changes will not be backdated. Changes relating to a service’s new functionalities or made for legal reasons will enter into force immediately. If the User does not accept the updated Terms and Conditions for the Site, they must stop using it.


Any information contained on the Site and all the data and information compiled by Saraiva + Associados is considered Saraiva + Associados content. All content on the site is the intellectual property of Saraiva + Associados and may not be copied or reproduced unless this is strictly necessary to allow it to be read online. The content on this site is produced by internal and external sources and for this reason Saraiva + Associados does not assume responsibility for the update and/or inaccuracy of this information. All texts, images, pictures, photographs, brands and other elements of the Site are protected by law. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, disseminate, amend, publish or use any content on this Site commercially or non-commercially.


You must adhere to all the policies and guidelines provided on the Site. Users are solely responsible for their use of the content on the Site.

Saraiva + Associados cannot guarantee the User that: Use of the Site will meet their needs or expectations; Use of the Site will not be interrupted or that it will be prompt, secure or free from errors; Any information obtained from the Site is accurate or reliable; and any defects in the functioning or functionality of any software provided as part of the use of the Site will be fixed.

Use of the Site by the User and any materials downloaded or obtained another way through use of the Site is at their own risk, the User being solely responsible for any damage or financial loss caused to the equipment used to use or view the Site by the services and materials available on it.

The following are prohibited: Activities that breach the rights of Saraiva + Associados; Use of a false identity or a hidden identity; Illegal activities, such as using information to cause physical harm to others; Breaching the Site’s usage guidelines; Placing the security of the Site at risk; Reproducing content that is offensive, defamatory or liable to breach the rights and privacy of third parties;


You can consult our privacy policy here.


In order to facilitate the User’s navigation and accessibility, the Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites. Saraiva + Associados assume no responsibility for these websites and cannot be held liable for their content or for the updating and quality of the information. When using links to these websites you must accept the terms and conditions of that website before using it.


Saraiva + Associados reserves the right to take any measures it deems necessary for protecting its rights. If there is an attempt to breach these Terms and Conditions, Saraiva + Associados reserves the right to block access to and use of the respective Site.


This Site was created and operates in accordance with Portuguese law. Any dispute relating to the Saraiva + Associados Site will be governed by the law in force and the Portuguese courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.


For clarifications of any questions relating to these Terms and Conditions, the Users of this Site should make contact at the following address: Avenida Infante Santo, N.º 69, A-B-C 1350-177 Lisbon or send an e-mail to